Too many dogs

Rode into at least 15 humans. Seen even more in the distance.

Can’t rest. Mother whistles uncontrollably, non stop every day between 11:30 and 13 (and sometimes onwards from 8AM…)
Sirens in the distance….

The day before yesterday’s stimulants in only a few hours time:
Mother accepting a dog she looks after in front of the house, mother delivering a dog she looked after in front of the house, mother talking a while to an older lady. Guess what those situations had in common? Her shouting constantly, resulting in echoing, her dogs barking inside followed by Fannar doing the same in my little room.
Mice biting on the wall, Fannar reacting
Rozzer chopper flying circles over this street
7/8 children running around, with water guns, shouting at one another, just like they did yesterday. They’re EVERYWHERE – on one of only two playgrounds next to mum’s house, at the entrance of one of only two entrances to the huge flat behind mum’s garden, in the little alley right next to the garden, in the street in front of mum’s house close to our car. BF had difficulty leaving mum’s house to walk Fannar – they were like noisy, uncontrolled ants.

Mother had 5 dogs today (15.7.2024) in total and can’t look after them, but her pretty face and fake laughter convinces everyone that she can.
They poo and pee everywhere in the house and in the garden, resulting Fannar doesn’t feel okay in the house anymore and we spend even more time in my childhood bedroom than ever before. She literally runs to the garden in the morning, then decides NOT to see where the dogs are shitting and then I get to tell her where their poo is, like wtf…….. Then she goes to the playground next to the garden, which she cleans immediately. Then she returns to the garden where one of her own dogs shits, which she never thoroughly cleans….
Then she decides to vacuum the floor upstairs. She opens the garden door and allows all dogs to do whatever they want, whilst she starts vacuuming and whistling upstairs, hearing NOTHING. So whilst I was cooking in my mouse invested little room, I also had to look after her 5 dogs through my window, because only my BF and I think it’s gross according to her, so if WE are bothered by it, WE get to deal with it…. And one of them kept barking very loudly.
Secondly, she doesn’t obey the rules given by their caretakers, for instance, when they really should spend the night downstairs, she brings them upstairs in the bed. When they have to have their own kibble, she gives them cheap, unhealthy meat with their kibble.

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