Yup, we’re still here. Mission failed.
But then, did it really fail if a few lessons were learned…?
Should we really had to do things differently if it meant it wasn’t once more confirmed that home is wherever we’re together…? Sounds cheesy, but it’s true.
I think we needed yesterday to understand that after 2.5 years living the same life every day, going on an adventure can’t be achieved if not taken easy. That the small steps we took every day (albeit forced) to prepare our home on wheels, should also have been applied on the actual move into it.
You see, it wouldn’t only have been an easy change-of-home move. It changed EVERYTHING – from living mostly during nighttime and in the dark, to being able to experience sunrise and sunset,
– from having to set multiple alarms throughout the whole day and live on a tight schedule, to waking up every morning with an unprewritten white sheet of many hours that’s yet to be filled with whatever comes onto our paths that particular day,
– from short nights to however long nights we wish,
– from experiencing every feeling and doing of a mentally unstable person (mother) who lives in the same house as you are, to being able to live with your own chosen family only,
– from smelling and hearing 50+ humans and a few motorways constantly that live nearby, to experiencing not much stims..
But also the fact that I’ve never moved in my life at all…! (Yes I was born in another house a few 100 meters away from here, but still!).
But last night we learned that an unhappy fur baby, me in my PMDD period, a constant strong wind, a few rain showers, an extremely muddy forest floor, fireworks near our camper, an unmade bed and the fact that after we decided we didn’t have energy to make that bed that we realised we couldn’t even sit next to one another, it was time to throw the towel in the ring, just for now, and return to the place that’s not been feeling like home for nearly ten years now, but it’s the only place now which allows us to feel very much at home together. All we craved was each other and not much fuss to worry about.
There’s a time to get out of your comfort zone, cause that’s where all the magic happens, but sometimes failing is part of it, however there’s always a lesson to learn and you always grow as a human.