From two weeks with significantly less people and thus noise and smells around mum’s house, to realising instantly that the holidays were over within very little time.
The groceries arrived, two vans arrived and have and been making noise across the street ever since then, the flat building right behind mum’s house have been doing maintenance (again), children have been going to school with their parents, then we realised we had a wrong crate of boxes delivered and we had to chat LONG to different kinds of people in the app who didn’t seem to understand much (Albert Heijn, please only accept people working for you who understand Dutch or English well enough), then they kept on ringing my phone after I’ve often let them know that I don’t do phone calls and then the delivery dude decide to come and pick up the wrong groceries, leave and return about 10 minutes later to deliver a wrong crate yet again and after telling him this, he shrugged and said he didn’t have ours…. So, chatting to the app once again. Then deciding to download Facebook and finding out that quite a few people had received a wrong crate in my district.
Meanwhile mother keeps on running around in the house and her laundry centrifuging failed, so she’s been trying it over and over again.
And then of course the monthly air raid test had to start…
During all this I’ve had to bake our monthly banana bread in my room whilst all this happened around me.